Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chicken and Broccoli Pasta Bake

I love pasta bake. You can put loads of veggies, mix a whole bunch of flavours, its totally easy and it freezes well. And I have yet to meet anyone that doesn't like them, which makes it a good dish for company.

I made one tonight and decided to share it with you. This is the version I most frequently make. I'm not a huge fan of broccoli, but I like it in this so I put a whole bunch in and leave out other veggies. But its also good with zucchini, mushrooms, carrots, asparagus - pretty much any vegetables you and your family like.

Chicken and Broccoli Pasta Bake
Serves 7

1 onion
large head of broccoli
4 chicken breasts
2 tins of cream soup (I used Weight Watchers chicken soup and Erin low fat cream of mushroom soup)
2 cups pasta (I used whole wheat fusili)
1 cup grated cheddar cheese

Put a pot of water on to boil and add the pasta. Cook until its al dente.
Get everything together

Chop up the broccoli, onion and chicken

Add the onion and chicken to a pan and cook until the chicken is no longer pink. 

Once the chicken is done, throw in the broccoli 

Continue to cook until the broccoli starts to soften, maybe 3-5 minutes. We still want the broccoli to have a bit of crunch.

Add the broccoli/chicken/onion mixture to the pasta. 

 Throw the tins of soup on top and mix together. Put in a dish, top with cheese and bake until bubbling and the cheese is melted.

Serve with a side salad and enjoy with pleasure :)

I know it doesn't look like much but its really tasty. I made one dish for us to have tonight and froze another dish (without the cheese on top) that will serve 2 as well as two individual dishes. So that made a good few meals for little effort and not a lot of money. And its pretty healthy too so that's important.

Do you have any cheap, easy, go-to meals?


Jenn x


  1. Looks delicious and healthy! I like to freeze extra for another night too. I love your new font btw :)

  2. I'm a big fan of potato bakes! I usually make one when I am about to go away-they fed an army or in my case Mr NQN for a few days. This looks delicious! :)

  3. Mmmm I love meaty and cheesy pasta! My favourite dish is simple stir fried noodles -much like your pasta but without the cheese. I always make too much so I can have leftover for lunch =)
